Sunday 13 January 2013


泰国与印度信徒眼中的神龙 NAGA
The Nagas are in the Thai Buddhist tradition the water spirits, guardians of treasures vast and mysterious. They are most often in the form of giant snakes that sometimes 5 or 7 heads.Thais believe that even today one can find Nagas living in the depths of the Mekong River.Nagas The are very sensitive to pollution and are capable of causing epidemics among other if their habitat is polluted by cons if they are happy they rain on the areas that hold all kinds of blessings.

Also sometimes the Nagas take human form to appear to humans without scaring them.Numerous accounts exist of such meetings, not only in legends but also very recement!

The Nagas are sometimes represented with many arms and a human torso, here represented pearl inlaid on the door of a Temple Can be found in a few shops mineralogy valuable "Eyes of the Nagas." Here a showcase of a seller of Bankok, a fortune is exposed!
Lot eyes of the Nagas. "Stones of Power" in the Thai tradition the "Eyes of the Nagas" (sometimes called popularly Chok Hin Nang , ie lucky stone) are considered to have many virtues Miracle, among other prevent the holder any danger to water and to multiply its powers Magic and greatly facilitate the acquisition of such powers if it has not yet!
The atmosphere along the Mekong before Fae Bang Paya Nag 
This festival takes place around the 15/25 October each year and a large crowd come here to attend an extraordinary phenomenon. The Mekong leave quickly and quietly orange balls of light, the size of a goose egg rising high in the sky and the tradition called " Bang Fae Paya Nag "(the lights of the Nagas).

This phenomenon is visible each year from 320 km of shoreline in the Mekong but also in some rivers, lakes and even ponds in the region. I have spoken with witnesses of the phenomenon that we have seen happen in very remote areas, which completely contradicts the theory of a phenomenon caused by man.
Everything and anything has been written on this subject, from the history of the Laotian soldiers who would tracers from the opposite bank ( which has already seen bullets plotters oranges means of migrating slowly and in silence? ) until the pseudo-scientific theory of natural phenomenon caused by gas pockets attracted attraction Lunaire ( pockets of gas that come out once a year on a fixed date and not by the moon, a base composed of SAND? Nimportnawak! ).
Tradition ensures that these fireballs are gifts that the Nagas are to thank for humans to keep the Mekhong pure here. This ensures that tradition says the Nagas spit balls of gas that enflament and sow their jewels at a different time, do not believe that the "eyes of the Nagas" are fireballs! I talked to the girl a 94 year old man who lived in this region toujour, attends the "Lamps of the Nagas" every year since childhood and who certifies to have NEVER seen or heard anything which suggests that the phenomenon is the result of a hoax.For myself attended the Fae Bang Paya Nag in 2006, I can assure that he saw no evidence of fakery.
There is a movie called  Kham Duan 15 11 about this phenomenon explains that this is a trick done by the disciples of Venerable Lao, do not be fooled, this is a FICTION and not a documentary.

Some people say that the stones from which the " Eyes of the Nagas "are cut are found along the Mekong in the days after the onset of" Lights of the Nagas , "it would therefore be a non-listed mineral directly from the fabulous treasures of the Nagas ! I have several specimens of this mineral in my personal collection and is in any case certify that resemble anything known.
The " Eye of the Nagas "are sometimes made ​​by some Buddhist masters from a rare type of Geodes" Magic "found in caves in northern Thailand and Laos. These geodes are not discoverable by human beings Elected having reached a very high spiritual level, after a long ceremony, including the manufacture of a pyre in order to "cook" the geodes in a sacred fire, we will get the mineral liquid form used to manufacture the " Eyes of the Nagas . "
Despite an extensive investigation on the spot in Thailand, I have not been able to find more information about this second explanation for the manufacture of " Eye of the Nagas . "Having seen and handled many of these stones I just say that I have NEVER seen one with the smallest bubble, which seems to prove that this mineral've never been in a liquid state. might also be the manufacturing requirements are very strict and avoid the formation of bubbles? In any case, even if these stones are the result of a manufacturing ritual human that does not detract from their aesthetic qualities.
I had the chance a customer site engages in scientific observations of a sample "raw" look of the Nagas and gives me the results, here's observations, I said that I did here a simple copy and myself have no jurisdiction to determine the validity of the observations / conclusions:
Test persistence of radioactivity: none
Density of about 6 (indicates a heavy metal in the mineral)
Monoréfringent strict: This is a feature only of some natural minerals, including the cubic system, and glass (silica or lead). This means that there is only one angle of deflection of light in the mineral.
Refractive index: 1.78 (the refractive index which measures the angle through which the light is deflected when it enters the mineral is characteristic of lead glass)
Spectral lines: moderate attenuation blue and purple stripes and green areas extinction between 5070 and 5000 angstrom and high attenuation zone between 5500 and 5950 angstrom.Seule brightness in the red (pink crystal is tested).
No crystallization system defined wavy sides, side traces of polishing head, conchoidal fracture.
Technical conclusion: the observed sample has the same physical characteristics that lead glass manufacturing human ...
I will deal thus that both explanations are valid, and therefore probably found some strange stones along the Mekong from which local artisans carve " Eyes of the Nagas ", but in other cases ( the majority?) of Venerable Monks perform the "Eyes of the Nagas of ritually selected from geodes and" melted ", which gives a mineral with an appearance similar lead crystal, which is then cut and called eye of the Nagas .
There are also fake " eyes of the Nagas "ordinary glass, beware as the plague of some unscrupulous seller who will offer you simple glass pebbles as" Eyes of the Nagas , "I think here especially to some Ebay sellers. ..
Whatever the explanation for their existence " Eyes of the Nagas "are highly sacred stones, whose origin is shrouded in mystery and legend, it is sufficient to have one in his hand once to understand, the impression of power and serenity that emanates is truly fantastic. It is difficult to get them to my knowledge only 3 shops offer very confidential in Bangkok.
Regarding the use of " Eye of the Nagas ", here is the traditional method:
Take a look of the Nagas preferably color corresponding to the color of his date of birth as in the following list:
Monday: Yellow
Tuesday: Rose
Wednesday morning: Green
Wednesday afternoon: Dark Blue
Thursday: Orange
Friday: Blue Sky
Saturday: Purple
Sunday: Red
Place the stone in his hands and recite:
"Namo Tassa PaKhaWaTo Arahato Samma Sat Buddhasa" (3 times)
Then recite: "Trisarakom Aratana Sill Buddha Dhamma Khun Khun Khun Sangkha
Omm In Na Mo Ah My Buddha Ya Ya Sa Su Mang "
And make a wish, or ask the protection of the Nagas.
You can also use the " eyes of the Nagas "crystal healing stones using colors based on the colors of the Chakras to bring energy and rebalance the person being treated.
Another use of these stones, specifically designed for insiders Vajrayana is to take a look at his hands the Nagas and the load vibrations of Mantras by reciting mantras and then blowing on it. Allways take a look of Nagas color matched to the corresponding deity Mantra. Here are some suggestions:
Tara / Dölma: Green or translucent
Chenrezig or Vajrasattava: Translucent
Amitabha or wrathful deity: Red
Medicine Buddha (Sangye Menla): Blue
You'll be surprised how this mineral can store vibration and quickly become a powerful talisman practicing this way.
The famous picture of " Queen of the Nagas "of 7.80m which was captured in the Mekong in Laos by IM June 27, 1973 
Personally though I have reason to believe the Nagas I think this photo is a fake, in the sense that the fish presented seems to be a " oarfish "whose head will have been changed, the GI's on the photo clearly the air laughing and participate in a joke intended to make fun of beliefs.More careful observation of the "original" Print this picture is very instructive.

SEE PART 3 COME SOON.....................

1 comment:

  1. Hi, I was born as human incarnation of Naga Angel, I really appreciate your interest in Naga,actual fact we are like kids, we love to be happy and love helping everyone,it is difficult to identify a person because you don't see their halo, enlighten light that shines bright behind their head like Buddha,the only nature you see is their very kind and down to earth, and can sense people human being and animals feeling, I hope all human will follow the path of God and do good and be enlightened . Thanks.
