Friday 11 March 2011

To illustrate the difficulty in the identification of leklai there are quite literally dozens of different leklai recorded in Thai literature, and here are a few examples :

Leklai go-thi-phi
 is dark green in colour, found only in deep caves or on cliffs. Has lots of manifestation power.
Leklai jau-pha
is black in colour,shinny, very beautiful, it hides among rocks, has high energy too.
Leklai yoi
looks like a dead log and located in caves. the length is about 1 foot, the fibre is crispy, has power to protect from  harm and danger.


Leklai chii-phra-kaaw
is shinny white like that resembles the skins of a snake, has power to project prosperity, progress, longevity and protection (Invulnerability from weapons).黃金鎳-呈色特別、產量較少的流鐵,因呈色泛金色的光澤,又被稱為金鎳萊
Leklai plerng
looks more like brick,brown in colour, glittery. The person who has insufficient  merit will not even have the opportunity to approach or find this leklai. This leklai has the power to protect the owner from every kind of danger.外型如華麗棕色堆疊磚塊,當人沒有足夠的價值甚至沒有機會或找到這個流鐵,該物有能量保護持有人避開每一種危險。
Leklai nam
looks like rain droplets, the colour is green mixed with black, a little on the dull side. Protective.
Lekai gorn or koth
this leklai is manifested by nature, Botryoidal in nature, very metallic in nature. This is supposedly the best Leklai.
Leklai piak
the colour is silver [more to shades of white], looks wet all the time and this leklai has the capability to protect the owner from all spiritual entities.該物顏色是銀色,更多的逐漸變化白色。任何時間看起來都是溼的,此物有能力保護持有人,在精神上的實體。
Leklai gaen lek
 looks like a log, the material consist basically of soil and iron ore. The type that looks like a rock is considered "female". The skin is like fossilised iron. This material is very difficult to collect and it has power in the line of an ascetic practice, full of vital energy to control the nation.
Leklai lob
 is a fantastic species,it is not consider to be in the category of Leklai but it radiates good loving kindness [a powerful metal] it looks like seashells or turtle shell. The colour is green mixed with black. 外型如貝殼或龜殼,顏色是綠色參雜黑色。這是一種想像的奇妙種類,此物沒被歸類在流鐵的種類,但此物散發良好的慈愛〈一個強大的合金〉
Leklai nam-phi
it is a very powerful source of material, has to use mit-moh (Holy knife) to cut this leklai. the colour is a beautiful shining green similar to jade. It has the power to move from one place to another by means of a portal. It will give the owner long life. She likes to be given honey, rain water and raw rice etc...顏色是美麗的綠色,如同翠玉色澤。此物是一個很強大的物質來源,使用在mit-moh〈聖刀〉切割流鐵,他有移動的能量,用於一個地方到另一個地方的門。
Leklai Ler-si
can counteract negativity. This uis said to belong solely to the reusi[hermit].
Leklai thaa-ret
This is from ret mountain ,it can be used to cure many things, the most popular version is to make a ring or to make single pendant to wear with a chain. It can protect the owner from harm.來自於山區木材等泡水軟後取得的纖維,用來治療許多事物。通常做成一個環狀,或是墬子吊飾的鏈子,能保護持有人免於受傷。
Leklai nergn-luang
this is white in colour but not silver. A rare beauty, some say that it is called Leklai Ler-si tua mia [female].It has similar power to Leklai reusi.
白色但不含銀色,很罕見的美麗。有些人說這是流鐵Ler-si tua mai女性的〉,具有流鐵類似的能量。 
Ajaan Boon divided Leklai into 2 separate categories:-
1) The monk will gather Plai-dhum,Kamin  and  Kaaw or Mae-perng from forest and by using transcendental meditative power he is able to charge with materials with supernatural energy, making them denser with energy until turning into a rock and subsequently Leklai which is greenish in coloration.This Leklai will become so powerful that no one has the ability to destroy it,not even the monk who created it.

2)The oldest Leklai [In Thai called "Koth Leklai"],  can
only be found deep in caves or high cliffs found in dense jungles. If the person is kind hearted and has gained sufficient merit, he can easily cut leklai from the cliff. The Leklai can change colour from black to dark green by prayers, it is easy to carry along and it will protect the owner at all time.However please note that Leklai should never be tested for its efficacy.

2..最古老的流鐵〈在泰國稱為Koth Leklai只能發現在很深的洞穴或是高的懸崖峭壁,發現在密集的叢林裡。如果此人有親切的心和獲得足夠的價值,他能輕易的將懸崖上的流鐵切開,這個流鐵能經由祈禱,從黑色變成暗綠色,它無時無刻都容易吸引和保護持有人。然而請注意,這個流鐵不會被測試它的功效。
金屬的" 國王"因為它()含有(容納)強壯(強烈)保護的可以(可能)對誰總是處於殺的危險狀態的警察或者士兵理想。



  1. Dear Bro

    I would like to know do you sell them for a small piece my e-mail:

  2. yad 10 sen 15gm side to 4'x4' 200kg .
