Monday 14 March 2011

You will need 9 or 19 pieces of wood, which should come from this part of the forest and have the form of walking sticks. (Note: a little word play on a Thai phrase meaning “Can I have it?” which one can say in nine different ways.) The tenth stick should be bigger than the first nine and must absolutely be carved from a hard wood engraved with the Pali word “Lerh” (“to retain “), Then, taking in hand the biggest of the walking sticks (which signifies that this is the one who wants the Lek Lai).
THE PROCEDURES FOR PUTTING SAI-SIN...-Sai-Sin,-Need 9 or 19 pieces of woods, should use woods from that area in the forest. The wood has to be the shape as walking sticks, because of the trick of the wording for "MAY I HAVE IT" in 9 different sentences of the Thai language. The 10th stick should be bigger than the first 9 pieces and the wood has to be hard. Inscribe the Khmer magical word on the sticks as "LERH" [remainder] and have to recite prayer saying:

"Na-moh" 3 times -"Pha gaa sean thoo thaa-chuu-chok kon soh kor krai mai dai thong hai gor khor khor" the special sticks has to carry along, it means the one who one one wants it. then recite:
"Phut thang pra sit may tham mung pra sit may sang khang pra sit may"then tight the "Sai-Sin"clock-wise, at this time while you place the "Sai-Sin", you have to recite:

"Phut thoo phut thang na gun thang ah ra hung phut thoo"-"Tham moh tham mung na gun thang ah ra hung tham moh"

"Sung koh sang dhang na gun thang sung koh"

"Na moh phut tha ta na ma pa ta ya pa ga sa pha ma na uh ga sa na thu put ta gun na"

"Tham ma gun na sung ka gun na"-"Ih must sa ming mong kol jak ga waan tung 8 thit, phut ta prasit phen gum-peang-gaew 7 chan"

to protect the whole area, "Ih rah khaa tha ra saa kaa yaa duu lair rak saa duay tham ma pra sit sung kung pra sit""Na moh na mud gum jhad ork phai sat-truu yaa glai sea mah mon thon[for the last part of the prayer, the king's mother always recite]. The sai-sin isplace for protection,the Aa-jahn and all lay person on this expedition should wear white suit, have a clear mind and lastly take a short period of meditation before any ceremony.

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